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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2022-10-3 |2022-10-3 |2022-10-1 |202210 | | | | | | |
Subject: Rubber Products
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20221003-145558
Description: The challenging business environment in the glovemaking industry, due to a supply-demand imbalance, may persist for at least a year, says Top Glove Corp. Bhd managing director Lim Cheong Guan. “We for… More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2022-09-12 |2022-09-12 |2022-09-8 |202209 | | | | | | |
Subject: Rubber Products
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20220912-111011
Description: The demand-supply situation in the glove sector will only start to head towards equilibrium in 2025 when there is virtually no more new capacity coming on-stream while the global demand continues to r… More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2022-04-11 |2022-04-11 |2022-04-11 |202204 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20220411-095450
Description: In 2022, the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA) is aiming for the realisation of 17,000 jobs and Rm20bil in investments in the Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), which consists o… More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2020-08-14 |2020-08-14 |2020-08-14 |202008 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20200814-095924
Description: The auto sector is seeing positive signs of recovery in the second half although key challenges remain, said a CGSCIMB research report. The research house has maintained its “neutral” rating on the au… More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2012-11-26 |2012-11-26 |2012-11-24 |201211 | | | | | | |
Subject: Rubber Products
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121126-11597
Description: For years Malaysia must have viewed the moves Thailand has made to its auto industry with some envy. Despite starting from scratch and well behind Malaysia’s auto industry Thailand now has arguably th… More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2012-11-21 |2012-11-21 |2012-11-17 |201211 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121121-083336
Description: A total of RM26.09bil in investments will be flowing in for 20 projects under seven National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) as well as three economic corridors. This will create 64,282 jobs and contribute… More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2012-08-27 |2012-08-27 |2012-08-17 |201208 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20120827-10180
Description: Several economists have raised their gross domestic product (GDP) forecasts for Malaysia following better-than-expected growth for the second quarter ended June 30. Malaysia’s economic growth for the … More
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Authors: Ng, F. | Huong, T.
Date: 2012-08-10 |2012-08-10 |2012-08-10 |201208 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20120810-092718
Description: Factory output as measured by the Industrial Production Index (IPl) came in lower than expected as manufacturing activity slowed on lower external demand. According to the Statistics Department, the I… More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2012-07-27 |2012-07-27 |2012-07-27 |201207 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20120727-095631
Description: Latex prices’ downtrend will continue in the next few months due to improved supply and relatively stable demand, according to Top Glove Corp Bhd chairman Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai.
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2012-07-20 |2012-07-20 |2012-07-20 |201207 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20120720-111342
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2012-06-8 |2012-06-8 |2012-06-8 |201206 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20120608-10183
Description: Policy proposals that will address concerns in the Malaysian palm oil industry, including the impact of the low palm oil tax structure by Indonesia, will be presented to the Government soon. Minister … More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2012-04-2 |2013-02-04 |2012-03-13 |201203 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20120402-160536
Description: The near-term outlook for the Malaysian automotive sector is not exciting, according to research analysts. OSK Research said it was still cautious on the outlook for the automotive industry, although … More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 2012-04-17 |2012-04-17 |2012-04-4 |2012 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20120417-121357
Description: Felda Global Ventures Holdings (FGVH) is keen to explore opportunities in Myanmar to develop plantations and related downstream businesses. FGVH president Datuk Sabri Ahmad said while the group was wa… More
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Authors: Huong, T.
Date: 201204
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20120424-101436
Description: Investors should be cautious about the exploratory forays of Malaysian companies into Myanmar as uncertainty still hovers over the pace and depth of economic and political reforms in that country.
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Date: 2012-03-9 |2012-09-21 |2012-02-10 |201202 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20120309-162013
Description: Malaysia’s total trade is expected to grow between 5% and 6% this year, lower than that achieved in 2011, mainly due to the anticipated moderation of growth in China and the current eurozone crisis. I… More
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