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Authors: Ruhida Ab Rahim
Date: 20080618 | 20080708 | | 2008 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:55646
Description: Bengkel ini diadakan bertujuan supaya para perserta dapat memahami lebih berkesan “molecular and thermal characterisation” secara teorinya dan melalui praktikal atau bengkel supaya dapat mengenalpasti… More
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Authors: Ruhida Ab Rahim
Date: 20080305 | 20080424 | | 2007 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:57628
Description: The objectives of this conferences are: To focus on all aspects of nanotechnology and material advancement that was presented by the professionals and experts in order to promote information on the la… More
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