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Date: 20090820 | 20090820 | | 2009 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:55771
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Date: 20090226 | 20090226 | | 2008 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:59029
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Date: 20090129 | 20090226 | | 2008 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:55601
Description: This intensive two-day course offers participants the concepts and skill necessary for making valuable deals and settling disputes.
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Date: 20090129 | 20090508 | | 2008 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:58718
Description: The objectives of this forum are to update participants on challenges and opportunities regarding potential of using renewable energy in Malaysia in the future.
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Date: 20080804 | 20090824 | | 2008 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:36043
Description: Tumbuhan termasuk getah memerlukan sumber air, cahaya, karbon dioksida dan nutrien untuk membolehkan mereka hidup ke potensi maksima. Kekurangan atau kelebihan sumber-sumber tersebut akan menyebabkan … More
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Date: 20080526 | 20080710 | | 2007 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:58221
Description: The conference is a forum to learn how others are using geospatial solutions to solve real-world challenges in virtually every discipline and field, and how the adoption of a geospatial framework has … More
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Date: 20080319 | 20080428 | | 2006 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:56835
Description: The whole programme was divided in four sessions with one keynote was delivered for each session. A total of 31 papers were presented during the seminar.
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Date: 20080319 | 20080428 | | 2006 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:59414
Description: This conference aims to provide a platform to discuss an AF policies, trends and development. AF systems and practices, research and development in AF and socioeconomics of AF.
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Date: 20080306 | 20080424 | | 2007 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:58787
Description: Objectives of this course are: To prepare Second National Communication (NC2) towards further implementation of the UNFCCC at national level.
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Date: 20080305 | 20080424 | | 2007 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:57787
Description: The objectives of this course are to discuss the current status of CDM in Malaysia and challenge faced by implementing CDM in Malaysia.
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