
Muhammad Akbar Abdul Ghaffar

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Date: 2011-01-5 |2011-01-5 |2001–1 |2009 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20110105-091226
Description: In rubber plantations, conservation of soil water content leads to reduction of immaturity period of rubber tree. The objective of this study partly was to compare the relative effects of three mulchi… More
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Date: 2010-08-19 |2010-08-19 |2001–1 |2008 | | | | | | |
Subject: Colloquium | Hevea
Language: EN
Type: Report
Identifier: valet-20100819-142952
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Date: 2010-08-19 |2010-08-19 |2001– |2008 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Report
Identifier: valet-20100819-151755
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Date: 16/04/2010 |16/04/2010 |2001–1 |2007 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: eBook
Identifier: valet-20100416-15069
Description: Malaysian Rubber Board(MRB) has introduced technologies to address the problem faced by the NR industry especially the shortage of skilled tappers which is critical to ensure maximum productivity can … More
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Date: 16/04/2010 |16/04/2010 |2001–1 |2007 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: eBook
Identifier: valet-20100416-145428
Description: A study with the objectives of reducing the immaturity period by early latex extraction using puncture tapping technique and evaluating the effect of early latex extraction coupled with stimulation te… More
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