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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2013-01-18 |2013-01-18 |2013-01-18 |201301 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20130118-101322
Description: The Malaysian rubber market closed mostly lower yesterday due to lack of buying interest despite the steadier finish on the Tokyo rubber futures exchange.
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2013-01-18 |2013-01-18 |2013-01-17 |201301 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20130118-083420
Description: The Malaysian rubber market closed lower yesterday in line with the commodity’s price on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (Tocom) which fell 3%, a dealer said.
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2013-01-10 |2013-01-10 |2013-01-10 |201301 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20130110-104518
Description: The New South Wales (NSW) state government has encouraged its business community to take advantage of the opportunities offered under the Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement (Mafta) which came int… More
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Add  Getah
Authors: Bernama
Date: 2013-01-10 |2013-01-10 |2013-01-10 |201301 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20130110-094145
Description: Pasaran getah Kuala Lumpur ditutup tinggi dalam dagangan sepi semalam seiring dengan harga yang menggalakkan di Bursa Komoditi Tokyo (TOCOM), kata seorang peniaga. Peniaga itu berkata yang harga menin… More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2013-01-10 |2013-01-10 |2013-01-10 |201301 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20130110-101033
Description: Ekonomi Malaysia dijangka mengekalkan pertumbuhan keluaran dalam negara kasar (KDNK) sebanyak lima peratus tahun ini meskipun dengan permintaan luaran yang lemah, kata Frost & Sullivan. Rakan dan Ketu… More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-7 |2012-12-7 |2012-12-6 |201212 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121207-100141
Description: Pasaran getah Malaysia didagangkan sedikit lebih tinggi dengan ringgit lemah berbanding dolar Amerika Syarikat, kata peniaga.
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-7 |2012-12-7 |2012-12-7 |201212 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121207-10504
Description: Pasaran getah Malaysia ditutup bercampur-campur dalam dagangan lengang semalam walaupun terdapat kejatuhan pada niaga hadapan getah Tokyo, kata peniaga.
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-7 |2012-12-7 |2012-12-6 |201212 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121207-102757
Description: Pasaran getah Malaysia didagangkan sedikit lebih tinggi dengan ringgit lemah berbanding dolar Amerika Syarikat, kata peniaga.
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-7 |2012-12-7 |2012-12-7 |201212 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121207-11047
Description: Industri kenaf berpotensi untuk dimajukan sebagai tanaman komoditi baharu negara jika kerajaan-kerajaan negeri bekerja sama dengan mengenal pasti dan memperuntuk kawasan yang bersesuaian.
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-7 |2012-12-7 |2012-12-6 |201212 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121207-095324
Description: The Malaysian rubber market was traded slightly higher with the ringgit weakening against the US dollar, a dealer said.
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-7 |2012-12-7 |2012-12-7 |201212 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121207-10434
Description: The rapid economic growth in the Asean member countries is expected to help lessen the impact of the slowdown in Europe and the US, said Minister of International Trade and Industry, Datuk Seri Mustap… More
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Add  Getah
Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-5 |2012-12-5 |2012-12-5 |201212 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121205-101859
Description: Pasaran getah Malaysia ditutup bercampur-campur dalam dagangan lengang semalam berikutan ketidaktentuan dalam permintaan global, kata seorang peniaga. Beliau berkata, Bursa Dagangan Komoditi Tokyo bag… More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-5 |2012-12-5 |2012-12-5 |201212 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121205-084942
Description: The Malaysian rubber market closed mixed in quiet trading against the backdrop of uncertainty in global demand, a dealer said. He said the Tokyo Commodity Exchange, however, fell on profit-taking.
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Add  Getah
Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-4 |2012-12-4 |2012-12-4 |201212 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121204-094845
Description: Harga getah di pasaran Malaysia ditutup tinggi dalam urus niaga lengang tetapi kukuh semalam, dirangsang minat belian menggalakkan, kata peniaga. Katanya, arah aliran menaik di pasaran getah tempatan … More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-12-4 |2012-12-4 |2012-12-4 |201212 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121204-08481
Description: Rubber prices in the Malaysian rubber market closed higher in quiet but steady trading on strong buying interest, dealers said. A dealer said the uptrend in the local rubber market was in tandem with … More
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