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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-9 |2012-11-9 |2012-11-7 |201211 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121109-084737
Description: Malaysia is the second best country in Asean for dynamic growing businesses, according to the Grant Thornton Global Dynamism Index (GDI). Malaysia, which came in second after Singapore, was ranked 23r… More
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Add  Getah
Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-6 |2012-11-6 |2012-11-6 |201211 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121106-095751
Description: Harga getah ditutup rendah n semalam dalam dagangan lengang sejajar dengan Bursa Komoditi Tokyo (TOCOM), kata para peniaga. Peniaga berkata pasaran juga berhati-hati apabila para pelabur mengurangkan … More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-6 |2012-11-6 |2012-11-6 |201211 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121106-114354
Description: Malaysia and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) have agreed to begin negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA), according to International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mo… More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-6 |2012-11-6 |2012-11-6 |201211 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121106-100726
Description: Kerajaan tidak bercadang untuk menetapkan harga minimum getah bagi mengawal penurunan harga komoditi itu memandangkan ia akan melibatkan peruntukan kewangan yang besar. Timbalan Menteri Perusahaan, Pe… More
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Add  Rubber
Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-6 |2012-11-6 |2012-11-6 |201211 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121106-081013
Description: The Malaysian rubber market closed sharply lower in quiet trading, in line with the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (Tocom), dealers said.
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |201211 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121105-121053
Description: Untuk kekal dinamik, ASEAN harus menunaikan janjinya untuk membentuk sebuah komuniti ekonomi menjelang 2015, kata Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
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Add  Getah
Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |201211 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121105-115039
Description: Pasaran getah Malaysia dijangka lembap minggu ini, berikutan kebimbangan tentang simpanan getah yang meningkat di China yang boleh melemahkan permintaan daripada republik itu, kata peniaga. Dilaporkan… More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |2012-11-3 |201211 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121105-102638
Description: Pasaran getah Kuala Lumpur ditutup rendah berikutan pelabur enggan memasuki pasaran berikutan kebimbangan mengenai ekonomi dunia yang masih lemah selain pasaran ekuiti yang turun naik, kata peniaga. P… More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |201211 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121105-120642
Description: Laporan Bank Dunia Edisi 2013 yang meletakkan Malaysia di tangga ke-12 paling berdaya saing bagi perniagaan akan membantu melonjakkan ekonomi negara dalam keadaan ekonomi global yang tidak menentu. Ti… More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |201211 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121105-12036
Description: Laporan Bank Dunia Edisi 2013 yang meletakkan Malaysia di tangga ke12 paling berdaya saing bagi perniagaan, akan membantu melonjakkan ekonomi negara dalam krisis ekonomi global yang tidak menentu.
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |2012-11-3 |201211 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121105-114335
Description: Proton Holdings Bhd is expected to become a major integrated car industry player in the region, says Hong Leong Investment Bhd Research (HLIB Research). In a note on Thursday, HLIB Research said this … More
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Add  Rubber
Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |201211 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121105-114728
Description: The Malaysian rubber market is expected to be bearish this week, on concerns over rising rubber stocks in China which could dampen demand from the republic, dealers said. It was reported that rubber i… More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |2012-11-3 |201211 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121105-102240
Description: The Kuala Lumpur rubber market closed lower as investors stayed on the sidelines on concerns over the still fragile global economy and volatility in equities markets, dealers said. Dealers said invest… More
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Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-5 |2012-11-5 |2012-11-3 |201211 | | | | | | |
Subject: Miscellaneous
Language: EN
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121105-112948
Description: Hurricane Sandy will not have a major impact on the Malaysian economy as the calamity will only affect the global economy in the short run, said S Das & Associates Pty Ltd consultant Satyajit Das.
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Add  Getah
Authors: Bernama
Date: 2012-11-30 |2012-11-30 |2012-11-30 |201211 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: News
Identifier: valet-20121130-104854
Description: Pasaran getah Malaysia ditutup lebih rendah semalam disebabkan oleh kekurangan sokongan belian, kata peniaga. Sesi dagangan semalam lengang ketika pelabur enggan memasuki pasaran ekoran ketiadaan pema… More
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