
Shima Nazri

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Date: 20080725 | 20080725 | | 2007 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:36665
Description: The response of four RRIM 2000 series clones, namely RRIM 2008, RRIM 2012, RRIM 2015 and RRIM 2020 in early stimulation was assessed. The trees are treated with ethephon and ethephon-based formulation… More
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Date: 20080219 | 20080219 | | 2006 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:36658
Description: The experience of urea usage in rubber cultivation can be divided into three phases. Prior to the 1980s, urea was discouraged for use due to the volatilization losses and its hygroscopicity. Such expe… More
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Date: 20070925 | 20090304 | | 2007 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:36532
Description: Konsep torehan yang ideal merangkumi aspek peningkatan hasil yang maksima dengan kos yang minima, tumbesaran pokok yang memuaskan, penggunaan sistem eksploitasi dengan sesuai, tidak memberikan kesan k… More
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Date: 20070412 | 20070412 | | 2006 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:36649
Description: -
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