
Economics, statistics, and management

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Authors: RRIM
Date: 20050907 | 20050907 | | 1986 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:36170
Description: In order to provide a favourable environment to the rubber industry, the duty structure was revised on 28 October 1977 and subsequently on 18 October 1979. Detail comments on these two revisions had b… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050902 | | 1979 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24854
Description: This article highlights the 1977 yield and financial performances of fifty-eight commercial estates which had their accounts analysed by the Costing and Management Studies Group of the Applied Economi… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050907 | | 1988 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24977
Description: This article reports on the performance of commercial estates in 1984 and 198S. Discussion however is essentially based on the 1985 performance. For comparison and to complete the annual series of per… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050907 | | 1988 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24867
Description: According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, the global NR consumption in 1987 was 4.71 million tonnes. With the world output of 4.64 million tonnes, a deficit of 70 000 tonnes was created. In Malays… More
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Authors: Ong, S.H.
Date: 20030923 | 20050908 | | 1990 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:25026
Description: For the past two years, there have been ominous signs to suggest that something may be amiss in the Malaysian natural rubber (NR) industry. In 1987, the total NR production in the country was 1 578 70… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050902 | | 1979 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:25522
Description: The article published in the March 1978 issue of Planters’ Bulletin highlighted the draw-back of the regressiveness of the then export duty on the Malaysian rubber and applauded its timely revision wh… More
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Authors: Leong, Y.S. | Lee, P.
Date: 20030923 | 20050906 | | 1982 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:25360
Description: Trade cycles fluctuated about a rising trend in total world rubber production and consumption. Contractions in production and consumption tend to last a shorter period than expansions. Rubber trade cy… More
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