
Safiah Atan

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Authors: Safiah Atan
Date: 2012-10-31 |2012-10-31 |2001–1 |2012 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: 15111768
Description: Four scaffold linkage maps were constructed for clones PB 5/51, IAN 873, RRIM 937 and RRIM 600 and two consensus maps (PB 5/51  IAN 873 and RRIM 937  RRIM 600) using AFLP markers. The loci for clone… More
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Authors: Safiah Atan | Low FC | Saleh NM
Date: 20030923 | 20050811 | | 1996 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Hevea
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24404
Description: A microsatellite library was constructed from Hevea brasiliensis by cloning DNA fragments of between 200 bp - 800 bp in length. These were ligated to pBluescript KS + phagemid as the vector and transf… More
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