
Huang, T.D.

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Date: 2017-07-18 |2017-07-18 |2001–1 |2017 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: 15111768
Description: Micropropagation by secondary embryogenesis had been established in Hevea brasiliensis. However, origin and development of secondary embryos and genetic stability of the regenerated plants remained un… More
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Date: 20090326 | 20090326 | | 2009 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Hevea
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:31604
Description: A simple and rapid protocol for establishment of Hevea suspension cultures is presented. H. brasiliensis × H. nitida suspension cultures with uniformly dispersed cells and cell aggregates were obtaine… More
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