
Ariffin bin Mohd. Nor

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Date: 20030923 | 20050906 | | 1982 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:25425
Description: A survey to assess the magnitude of the problem of vacant tasks in Johore was carried out in 1980 to identify their main causes and to determine the capacity of estates to recover vacant tasks. Fifty-… More
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Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1980 |
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:56905
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1981 |
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:56718
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1985 |
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:56575
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1979 |
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:57730
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1985 |
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:57508
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