
Brunel, N.

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Date: 8/03/2010 |8/03/2010 |2001–1 |2009 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20100308-153014
Description: The rubber synthesis in latex cells requires sucrose. These particular cells are heterotrophic ones and are apoplastically connected to other tissues. Such features imply that the rubber yield may dep… More
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Date: 2010-12-28 |2010-12-28 |2001– |2010 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20101228-104738
Description: Hevea brasiliensis is an important industrial crop for natural rubber production. Latex biosynthesis occurs in the cytoplasm of highly specialized latex cells and requires sucrose as the unique precur… More
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