
Hu, B.

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Date: 2022-05-23 |2022-05-23 |2001–1 |2021 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: 1511-1768
Description: A cost-efficient way of extracting L-quebrachitol from NR (natural rubber) latex was developed, and the efficiency in extracting L-quebrachitol with two different liquid–liquid extraction system was c… More
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Date: 2022-05-23 |2022-05-23 |2001–1 |2021 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: 1511-1768
Description: The changes in the structure, such as molecular weight, crosslinking density, and gel content, could influence the stability and the processing performance of natural rubber (NR) during storage. Previ… More
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