
Planting materials and recommendations | Ishak bin Wahab

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Date: 20050511 | 20050511 | | 1981 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:32010
Description: Menanam semula di bawah naungan ialah salah satu cara memendekkan tempoh ‘tiada hasil’ di kebun kecil. la melibatkan penanaman di bawah pokok-pokok tua yang masih mengeluarkan susu, dengan menggunakan… More
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Authors: Ishak bin Wahab
Date: 20050511 | 20050511 | | 1981 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:32845
Description: [TEXT IN BAHASA MALAYSIA] Smallholders are reluctant to replant their Hevea trees because of the long unproductive period of seven to eight years before any economic return can be obtained. With the y… More
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