
Mohd Nor

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Date: 2019-05-14 |2019-05-14 |2001– |2018 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: 15111768
Description: Kursus Pengeluaran Getah Berkualiti telah dijalankan di Daerah Tenom dan Membakut pada bulan Februari dan Mac 2018. Kursus yang dijalankan selama tiga hari ini melibatkan seramai 60 orang peserta. Ant… More
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Date: 2017-12-29 |2017-12-29 |2001–1 |2017 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: 15111768
Description: An odour dispersion modelling approach was adopted to assess odour dispersion, particularly from the drying stage of raw rubber processing factories, identified as a major source of malodour pollutant… More
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