
Buletin Sains dan Teknologi | Nor Afiqah Maiden

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Date: 2015-11-23 |2015-11-23 |2001–1 |2015 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: 19850557
Description: MRB clone recommendations 2013 is a recommendation by Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) to the national rubber growers with regard to the latest proven rubber clones performance in field trials. This recom… More
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Date: 2015-11-23 |2015-11-23 |2001–1 |2015 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: 19850557
Description: Pengesyoran Klon LGM 2013 adalah pengesyoran oleh Lembaga Getah Malaysia (LGM) kepada pengusaha getah negara dengan klon-klon getah terkini dan terbukti prestasi di kawasan penyelidikan. Pengesyoran i… More
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