
Sivakumaran, S. | Pakianathan, S.W.

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Date: 20041019 | 20070509 | | 1983 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: eBook
Identifier: vital1:27951
Description: This paper discusses results obtained over the initial three years’ evaluation of periodic systems.
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Date: 20030923 | 20050822 | | 1984 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | -
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:23929
Description: The yields obtained from micro-X and low frequency conventional tapping systems after stimulation were generally comparable to that of unstimulated 1/2S d/2 while puncture-tapped treatments gave lower… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050822 | | 1981 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24626
Description: The analysis of results from long-term ethephon treated trees shows that high peak responses to stimulation were only obtained during the first three to four stimulations on the panel, and this was ne… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050822 | | 1982 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24576
Description: Cumulative yields obtained on d/2 frequency of tapping were generally better than those on the low frequency systems after seven to nine years of stimulation. However in three clones, Tjir 1, RRIM 623… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050822 | | 1983 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24350
Description: The cumulative yields obtained at the end of seven to nine years of continuous stimulation on 1/4S d/2 (t, t) tapping were better than those obtained on 1/4S d/2 tapping in three clones, Tjir 1, RRIM … More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050822 | | 1982 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:23723
Description: Physiological and anatomical changes associated with the decline of yield response in various Hevea cultivars that have been repeatedly stimulated at two monthly intervals with 10% ethephon for three … More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050822 | | 1983 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24617
Description: This method of inducing dryness in Hevea trees involves puncture of the bark at four or five points along vertical strips on the panel before and after conventional tapping and sealing the punctures w… More
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