
Samsudin Tugiman

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Authors: Samsudin Tugiman
Date: 20080205 | 20080205 | | 1992 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:36711
Description: Pengusahaan tanaman getah masih lagi merupakan sumber pendapatan penting sekumpulan besar rakyat negara ini. Buat masakini dianggarkan 575 368 keluarga pekebun kecil dan 94 000 pekerja ladang masih be… More
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Authors: Samsudin Tugiman
Date: 20050616 | 20050616 | | 1978 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:33175
Description: This paper is mainly intended to briefly describe the education and training activities carried out by RRIM, RISDA and FELDA with respect to rubber planting, management and processing. The term educat… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20030923 | | 1992 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:25028
Description: The six technology flow paths from research to implementation agencies and from the latter to the smallholders have been institutionalised for many years and are found to be generally effective in the… More
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Date: 20030917 | 20050302 | | 1984 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:57280
Description: A visit to Brazil was made by a delegation of three officers of the Institute, comprising of the Director, Dato’ Hj (Dr.) Ani Arope as Head of the delegation, Dr. Samsudin bin Tugiman, Asst. Director,… More
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