
IRPA | Sivakumaran, S.

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Authors: Sivakumaran, S.
Date: 20070108 | 20070116 | | 1995 |
Subject: IRPA
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:58564
Description: To develop RRIMFLOW system of exploitation as a viable method for commercial adoption based on long-term studies of performance on young and premium rubber.
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Authors: Sivakumaran, S.
Date: 20061212 | 20070221 | | 1997 |
Subject: IRPA
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:56265
Description: Memo/ latter from Dr. S. Sivakumaran (Ketua, Bhg. Pengurusan Tanaman) to Pn. Siti Mariam (IRPA Project Secretary) regarding request for rewirement of budget.
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