
Southorn, W.A.

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Authors: Southorn, W.A.
Date: 20041203 | 20041203 | | 1960 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:29807
Description: A photomicrographic study has been made of fractions separated from chilled Hevea latex by high speed centrifuging. Several new features have been photographed including a characteristic internal stru… More
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Date: 20041202 | 20050202 | | 1969 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:30005
Description: Electrical potentials can be detected in Hevea brasiliensis as a response lo wounding. The response can be detected only very near the wound and there is no mechanism for distant transmission as obser… More
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Authors: Southorn, W.A.
Date: 20041202 | 20050131 | | 1969 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Latex physiology
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:30169
Description: Hevea brasiliensis latex is a cytoplasm contained in vessels with elastic and permeable walls. The latex is at high pressures in the vessels before tapping. Latex flows because of contraction of the v… More
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Authors: Southorn, W.A.
Date: 20030923 | 20050207 | | 1964 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Drying
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:23796
Description: Electron micrographs of sections taken through the thickness of partially dried sheet rubber show differences in micro-structure in different regions of the sheet and give direct evidence of a barrier… More
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Authors: Southorn, W.A.
Date: 20030923 |20050228 | |1960 || | | | | |
Type: Patent
Identifier: BP842977
Description: The strength of weak gels, such as latex coagulum, is measured by applying a small cyclic torsional stress, through the use of rotating stainless steel bob. This is done in one direction then in the r… More
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Authors: Southorn, W.A.
Date: 20030923 | 20050111 | | 1968 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Latex physiology
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:23822
Description: Microscopic examination of the tapping region shows that stoppage of latex flow is not caused by physical plugging of the vessel by bacteria, Frey- Wyssling particles or lutoids. After flow has stoppe… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050111 | | 1968 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Latex physiology
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24495
Description: The lutoids of Hevea latex are shown to contain a system capable of destabilising suspended rubber particles. This destabilising action is moderated by the ambient serum (C-serum) at the normal pH of … More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050111 | | 1968 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Latex physiology
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24605
Description: Fresh Hevea latex is a dual colloid system. As a first approximation it consists of negatively charged particles of various types suspended in a serum containing anionic proteins. Included in the nega… More
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Authors: Southorn, W.A.
Date: 20030923 | 20050111 | | 1968 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Latex physiology
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24285
Description: A simple viscometer of the rolling-ball type has been constructed for viscosity determinations in the range 1-100 cp using less than 0.5 ml of material. This instrument is extremely sensitive to the p… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050113 | | 1968 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Latex physiology
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24020
Description: The study concerns the flow of fresh latex through glass capillaries of 20 to 200 u bore and at pressure gradients of up to 2 atm/cm. The apparent viscosity determined from such experiments is constan… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050113 | | 1968 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Latex physiology
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:23776
Description: Flow of fresh Hevea latex at high pressures through glass capillaries of internal diameter 22 to 80 u was investigated. Flow usually ceased when fresh latex was forced through the capillaries at press… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050822 | | 1974 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Latex physiology
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:23934
Description: Latices from trees stimulated with Ethrel (containing 2-ckloroethyl phosphonic acid), acetylene and 2,4,5- T were studied over a period of a year. Rheological measurements showed a change in the surfa… More
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Date: 20030923 | 20050218 | | 1970 | | | | | | |
Subject: PRRIM | Latex physiology
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24445
Description: The length of the tapping cut has a strong influence on the pattern of latex flow. Plugging is intense, turgor pressures remain high and yields per severed latex vessel are more for very short cuts. T… More
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Authors: Southorn, W.A.
Date: 20030923 | 20050111 | | 1967 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:24168
Description: Recent work on latex flow has indicated that an obstruction develops very close to the tapping cut within a few minutes of tapping. Instruments were devised to check the possibility that such obstruct… More
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Authors: Southorn, W.A.
Date: 20030923 |20070717 | |1970 || | | | | |
Type: Patent
Identifier: BP 1192528
Description: A flexible frame, e.g. of expanded polystyrene, is stuck to the trunk of the tree, e.g. by natural rubber latex and a container for holding gas or vapour-generating substance(s) is secured to the cont… More