
Rubber Products | Tajul Anuar Yaakob

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Date: 2013-01-31 |2013-01-31 |2001–1 |2012 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: 16750373
Description: EPP 3 focuses on growth of the medical gloves industry, the key economic pillar of the Malaysian rubber industry accounting for more than two thirds of the nation’s export earnings. In 2011, this sect… More
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Date: 2011-02-8 |2011-02-8 |2001–1 |2010 | | | | | | |
Language: ML
Type: Article
Identifier: 1985-0557
Description: Secara amnya, Malaysia merupakan pengeluar dan pengeksport sarung tangan lateks terbesar di dunia. Sarung tangan lateks didapati sesuai digunakan dalam sektor perubatan dan sektor pembedahan, khususny… More
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