
Zainol bin Eusof

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Authors: Zainol bin Eusof
Date: 20050512 | 20050512 | | 1994 | | | | | | |
Type: Article
Identifier: vital1:32135
Description: Industri getah telah menyaksi pencapaian peningkatan hasil yang tinggi semenjak pokok getah ditanam pada hujung abad ke sembilan belas. Peningkatan hasil diperolehi kerana sumbangan berbagai faktor an… More
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Authors: Zainol bin Eusof
Date: 20030917 | 20050302 | | 1995 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:57551
Description: The objectives of the consortium are to assist in setting research priorities and in reducing unnecessary duplication, to develop and promote appropriate conservation farming strategies in accordance … More
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Authors: Zainol bin Eusof
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1995 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:58885
Description: The author was presented a paper at this workshop. The summary of programme was also included.
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