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Date: 2015-04-23 |2015-04-23 |2001–1 |1998 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20150423-093220
Description: The role of aminopropyltriethoxysilane in the interaction between ISAF carbon black and carboxylated nitrile rubber was studied by measurements of bound rubber, physical and dynamic mechanical propert… More
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Date: 2015-04-23 |2015-04-23 |2001–1 |1997 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20150423-101722
Description: Carboxylated nitrile rubber and ISAF carbon black chemically interacted when the mix of the two was extruded at high temperature (180°C) in a Monsanto Processibility Tester. Studies on the physical pr… More
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Date: 2015-04-23 |2015-04-23 |2001–1 |1995 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20150423-090921
Description: Monsanto rheometric, dynamic mechanical, and solvent swelling studies indicate that functional groups of oxidized carbon black chemically react with carboxylated nitrile rubber (XNBR) when heated at h… More
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Date: 2015-04-23 |2015-04-23 |2001–1 |1993 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20150423-112946
Description: Epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) reacts with surface oxygen groups of carbon black. The higher the concentration of these groups, the higher the intensity and the extent of reaction and the better the … More
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Date: 14-09-29 |14-09-29 |2001–1 |1984 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20140929-091343
Description: Studies in the epoxidation of natural rubber latices are described. Investigated epoxidation routes include the use of bromohydrin intermediates, hydrogen-peroxide-catalyzed systems, and preformed per… More
Authors: Perera, M. C. S.
Date: 14-09-29 |14-09-29 |2001–1 |1990 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20140929-105421
Description: Since oxidizability of raw rubber is adversely affected by epoxidation, an attempt was made to bind an amine antioxidant to the rubber molecule through the oxirane group. Effective binding was observe… More
Date: 114-09-17 |114-09-17 |2001–1 |1984 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Article
Identifier: valet-20140917-093548
Description: Studies in the epoxidation of natural rubber latices are described. Investigated epoxidation routes include the use of bromohydrin intermediates, hydrogen-peroxide-catalyzed systems, and preformed per… More
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