
Visit Report

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Authors: Yeang, H.Y.
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1996 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:55884
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Date: 20030917 | 20050302 | | 1982 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:57659
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Date: 20030917 | 20050302 | | 1979 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:56695
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Authors: Abraham, P.D.
Date: 20030917 | 20050302 | | 1984 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:57063
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Authors: Nayagam, J.
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1986 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:56079
Authors: Ibrahim bin Said
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1996 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:58268
Description: This report records the observations that have been made, from extension point of view, and makes recommendations for the necessary actions by CSD based on the information collected.
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Date: 20030917 | 20050302 | | 1984 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:57280
Description: A visit to Brazil was made by a delegation of three officers of the Institute, comprising of the Director, Dato’ Hj (Dr.) Ani Arope as Head of the delegation, Dr. Samsudin bin Tugiman, Asst. Director,… More
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Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1986 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:55495
Description: Kuala Lumpur : RRIM, 1986
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Authors: Chan, B.L.
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1987 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:55810
Authors: Chen, K.K.
Date: 20030917 | 20030917 | | 1987 |
Subject: Visit Report
Type: Report
Identifier: vital1:59181
Authors: Othman, Ramli
Date: 12/04/2010 |12/04/2010 |2001–1 |2006 | | | | | | |
Language: EN
Type: Report
Identifier: valet-20100412-090414
Description: The technical visit was organized by Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) and comprised of senior officials from the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, MTIB, other related government… More
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